
Basic Haptic Templates

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Basic Haptic Templates

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Basic to (moderately) Advance Templates for Simple Haptic Setups.

Designed around VRChat, ChilloutVR soon to come. Resonite Has Giggletech and OSC Support!

  • Any haptic gear that accepts OSC Parameters will work. Mileage may vary.
    Designed and tested with Giggletech.io Puck (Headpats) and Spark (most anything else), and a few adult use cases.
  • Free for anyone to use, designed to help guide and teach novice Unity/VRChat users.
  • PDF Manual Included (Videos to come, eventually...)

Why? Not everyone is an expert with Unity. Pick and choose, drag and drop, these VRCFury (Recommended, not required) Prefabs Templates, Link to the bone/armature segment, then adjust size and fine tune placement.

Built with VRC SDK's components (VRChat Contact Receivers), with VRCFury's assistance to easily "Plug and Play" install on your avatars, for some it's very quick and easy. Nothing unique or proprietary, other than having Haptic Devices and respective OSC Router(s), no cost to you! Donations are always welcomed!

Check out my Jinxxy Store!

As always: Backup your project before making changes.

Mistakes happen. Not all things that break can be explained, not all things can be as easily repaired. Backups are like game checkpoints.
I'm not responsible if somehow your avatar is broken. With or without VRCFury, these templates do not alter your avatar outside of adding more features.

Duplicate your avatar, disable the original, and import the prefabs on the cloned avatar. OR, backup your project entirely!

SqueakWarrior by Emperor of Mars - https://emperorofmars.gumroad.com/l/squeak_warrior

Zoichi by Zoidberg656 - https://zoidberg656.gumroad.com/l/CAhCW

NeKoob by Kuby - https://kuby.gumroad.com/l/Nekoob

FloofKitty by UnlikelyFloof - https://unlikelyfloof.gumroad.com/l/FloofKitty

Includes Menus For:

  • Manual Haptic Testing - Best one can do with-out "Allow Self" and testing yourself.
    Testing OSC without someone touching.
  • Manual On/Off to turn off each segmented area as needed.
    Belly Rubs are nice, but when intended. Sometimes not always best to leave on while cuddling with a movie.

Image slightly outdated. Giggletech Max Speed is now on each individual haptic Giggletech Prefab. Core prefabs do not include it.

Each template built to work on its own. Mix and match how you want. Link off them for more fun.

  • Personal Example: Ears dip when I receive Head Pats, as well as the haptic running.

Basic Templates:

  • HeadPats - For head pats on top of your head. 1-9memory
  • NoseBoops - Not with Giggletech, but works with other haptics. 1-9memory
    I will, eventually, obtain a BHaptics Haptic Face Mask for face rubs and nose boops.
  • BellyRubs - For those looking for belly pets and rubs. 1-9memory
  • LowerMassage - When belly rubs are just not enough. 1-9memory

Advance Templates:

  • TailTouch - Touch (Not Grab) the tail, and the haptic vibrates. Each segment/bone will vibrate different intensities, mild understanding on where your tail is touched. Mix and match which intensity links to which tail segment! 1-89memory
  • EarPlay or EarPlayLeft and EarPlayRight - Designed to work with either 1 or 2 head haptics. Operates similar to TailTouch. 1-65memory
  • ChestMassage or ChestMassageL and ChestMassageR - Designed to work with either 1 or 2 head haptics.
  • RearMassage or RearMassageL and RearMassageR - Designed to work with either 1 or 2 head haptics.

Accessory Templates:

  • TickleSpot (01-04) - Misc contact points, not specifically for areas you're being tickled, place anywhere.
    (New Oct 23, 2024)
  • AlertMe - Wake up by haptic, without needing others (refer to Bellyrubs example in "Includes Menus For..."
    Two points of contact must be touched at the same time. You set the intensity when activated. Can share another haptic device (Example: HeadPats). This way, you can turn off haptics while cuddling, and still wake up without someone yelling.
    (New Oct 23, 2024)

Developer Note: I estimated how many haptic segments may be needed for the Tail and Ears. If more is needed, adding more is not a challenge, just a tad bit time consuming. Let me know if you need additional segments, and I can add them in an update.
Recommend not overlapping or packing too many contacts into small areas. Tails of 8 segments likely operate better if using 4 or 6 segments, and the contacts, seen in example images, large to cover.

Additional Haptic Templates to come. Not limited to...

  • Wings - Haptics on your shoulders, Touching the Wings similar to the Tail.
  • Various body appendages (upper/lower arms/legs, face, etc.)
  • PonyTailTouch - Not much different than a tail, even two.

Due to Gumroad's requirements, some future additions may not be listed on Gumroad.

Image Notes for referencing:

  1. Not all segments of the Advanced Haptics are shown. Ex: Tail has 10 segments, (10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100), unused segments deleted in the Armature list, not within the prefab, to save on performance/rating.
  2. AlertMe not fully shown, and one of two contact points not selected for above image.
  3. Advanced Templates TailTouch and EarPlay can be Unpacked and split to each bone, while simpler templates like Chest and Rear does not require to be unpacked if no individual bones are available. Ex: Rear can be attached to Hip bone, then align the two contact receivers from there.


PDF Manual Included!

Two options.

  • By Hand: Add the "VRChat Contact Receiver" Component to the armature segment choice, shape, size, and tune the placement as needed, and add a Proximity Parameter name. Make sure your OSC Haptics knows that Parameter. Upload, test, adjust as needed, you're good to go.
    • Downside: No toggle control unless you also animate it, but VRCFury Toggle component fills this easily.

Or, for more ingame controls, use one or more of these templates:

  • Recommended: VRCFury, Gesture Manager, AV3Manager if not using VRCFury.
    All three can be added as repositories into the VCC, make sure you keep them up to date from time to time.
  1. Import the Basic Haptics unity package.
  2. Drag and drop the choice templates (Prefabs) to the Root of your Avatar, same level as the Armature and Body.
    1. Basic Prefab Templates, such as HeadPats, NoseBoops, Bellyrubs, and LowerMassage, drag the prefab to the preferred Armature segment. Skip step 3.
    2. Advanced Prefab Templates, such as TailTouch and EarPlay, for easy of use, unpack and move each contact into each sub bone segment as you see fit.
      Chest/Rear Massage may not require unpacking like, adjust placement of both contacts within the expanded armature of the prefab.
  3. Each Template Segment, adjust the shape (Sphere or Capsule), size, rotation, and placement to best cover the area of choice. (Seen in Red Above)
    + ProTip: The Sphere/Capsule should exceed the area of coverage, such as HeadPats should follow but exceed the top of the head. Not all hand colliders are placed the same, in some cases a hand could be inside your head before the hand collider makes contact with your template (VRC Contact Receivers).
  4. Make sure the choice Template Parameter is copied to your Haptic Program. Ex: "HeadPats", not "HeadPatsDetect".
  5. Save, upload, test, return and adjust as needed.

No further adjustments are necessary for initial install and testing. Return and adjust placement as you see fit.
ProTip: Do not have more than one Contact Receiver with the same exact Parameter, they will fight over updating the parameter value. One may say 42% when touched, the rest will try to force it back to 0% as they are not touched. EarPlay and TailTouch account for this conflict.

Instructions with more images are included with the package.

Performance Help:

Not much room to adjust for performance. Multiple Contact Receiver Templates, the EarPlay and TailTouch for example, if any segment you're not using, delete them from the Armature tree. No adjustments to the Animation/FX or Parameters are needed, as all is ran locally. The Contact Receivers can count against you if there is far too many.



Haptics don't work!

  • Step back, let's start with what you have, what does work...Welcome to reach out to me at Giggletech's Discord (my own soon to come!). Each person's issue is generally different, I'd have a wall of FAQ text here...
  • Most Commonly: OSC Cache needs cleared. There's a number of ways to do this. Hand Menu OSC to Reset OSC will do the job, other times you have to navigate to "%userprofile%\appdata\locallow\VRChat\VRChat\OSC" and clear it (while VRChat is not open OR OSC is turned off first).

Parameters Already In Use?

  • I'm contemplating on use of parameter names that are more unique. Some avatars have Headpats and Noseboop animations, and chances are, they use the same, exact, parameter names my templates you. If their interactions are Proximity/Float, you do not need the related template, just use that Contact Receiver's parameter name. Otherwise, renaming that Parameter in the FX Parameters AND Parameters file is necessary. Next update may have the OSC Parameter Names changed, to further future proof

I don't see the bubble where the haptic should be?

  • The size of the bubble (Sphere or Capsule) may be too small to find, too large to where your view is inside of it, or the Prefab/Component may be disabled (greyed out under your avatar's root listing). Some avatars have large scaling, while some are very small (NeKoob in my example is two decimal points smaller than most).

The haptics don't activate unless their hand/finger is far in, but lightens up afterwards.

  • This is a hardware issue I have little control over. Some haptics, not just Giggletech, require enough activation voltage to engage the motors, to start spinning, then they can pull back to "lighten up". Similar to some dimmable lights, they might need 5% power to turn On, then roll back to 1% power to reduce brightness.

I use other OSC programs, how can I merge X Haptics Hardware/Software with it?

  • If referring to Giggletech's Router. The latest release (early Oct 2024) no longer needs a port designated, much like and VRCOSC V2 (currently beta), automatically detect and work with VRChat without a middle-man router.
  • (Old, but relevant) Use of a middle-man OSC Router is recommended. VRCOSC is what I use. Set your other OSC programs on different ports, instead of the default 9001, I use 9101, 9102, and so on. Personal experience, best to launch VRCOSC after launching VRChat. I've found VRCOSC to randomly close, completely, otherwise. Once programmed for your other OSCs, hit the Play button on the left menu, then the play button at the bottom left. (I receive two errors, otherwise works.). As parameters change, they will list and update in the main screens.

My avatar has Contact Receivers for Nose Boop, Bleps, and Head Pat Effects, do I need another?

  • Nope. If you don't mind simplifying things, find that Contact Receiver's Parameter, check if it's set to Proximity (Do Not Change The Dropdown, if it's a Proximity or Not, you may break your avatar). If it's Proximity, use that Parameter name instead of using one of these templates. The only loss is Manual Testing, and toggling the haptic on/off within VRChat.

Can I have other things react when touching the areas?

  • Short answer, Yes. Each template has their OSC Parameter set as Global, you can branch off of them for your own use. Depending on what you have in mind, you may need to add said Parameter to your Avatar's Parameter and Animator files, enable Sync, and go from there.
    I have my ears dip down when I receive headpats, and the move further down the deeper the headpats are felt. My nose bleps when booped.

Do you have a tutorial video on installing these?

  • Soon. I'm sorry all, I work on projects of interest when I have moments of time for myself. Like many, I work full time, like some, I have a small family, and a house to maintain. I and others are available on Discord.

What about adult...

  • Shhh, we don't talk about that here. For the most part, if you can send an OSC Parameter to it, it'll work. I'll leave your imagination think things over from there. Further discussions can be done in other channels.


Giggletech.io / Me_Sideways - Haptic Hardware and welcoming support.

Change Log:

Jan 1, 2025 - Version 3.3 Released.

  • "Local Only" enabled on all contacts. On rare cases, some avatars have too many non-Local Only contacts, will have a negative effect on the avatar rating. This will still work normally, unless you tie the prefab/contact with another asset, you may need to re-uncheck the contact receiver's Local Only option.
  • Instructions updated, simplified install. Root Bone area of the Contact Receivers are not required. Unpacking does not break VRCFury's toggle controls.
  • Updated NeKoob public avatar with the new templates. Fresh project, fresh uploads.

Oct 23, 2024 - Version 3.2 released.

  • It's been a bit, between July until recent (Mid Oct), my work-life drastically changed. Many of my plans and hobbies were all but placed on hold. We'll see how things change/improve when New Years hits.
  • PDF Manual Updated.
  • Now includes Accessory AlertMe (details above), Accessory TickleSpot01-04 (details above), and "LowerMassage" (same a BellyRubs, used elsewhere).
  • Optimized the Basic Templates Headpats, Bellyrubs, and Noseboops. Should run quicker and smoother. Other haptics that require two or more contact receivers, some aspects operate the same, combining the intensity from two or more into one, say EarPlay but one haptic motor, also like TailTouch, will have some hesitation interactions.
  • New public avatar addition. Floofkitty by UnlikelyFloof.
  • Updated public avatar listings to include what version of Basic Haptic Templates they are using. Mainly because I'm a bit lazy updating all of them when small changes are made. The others will have the new haptic prefabs soon.
  • Various typo corrections, file linking (VRCFury) human-errors found and fixed along the way, and improved performance in a few aspects (optimization mentioned earlier), reduction in parameters used (local, shouldn't notice much difference).

July 28, 2024 - Version 3 released.

  • PDF Manual updated.
  • Now includes ChestMassage and RearMassage. Very limited testing, public feedback recommended!
  • Continuation of prior update, file structure and naming cleaned up and simplified.
  • Recommend deleting old files from project, no need to remove from armature. Then update the Prefab listings on the armature with the freshly imported new prefabs, and selecting Keep Overrides.

(Lazy Editor Note: More updates in the past, will add later, listed in downloads page otherwise.)

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Basic Haptic Templates for the Novice or Lazy Experts

Recommended for Multiple OSC Programs
Multiple Haptics
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